The California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Twenty-Sixth Annual Report.
San Francisco: Frank Eastman & Co., Printers, 1902. 9 x 5-3/4 inches. 39,[3]pp. Green wrappers printed in darker green. Wrappers sunned and lightly dampstained, with an approx. 1" tear to foot of front wrapper that has been discreetly repaired with japan paper on inside cover; short tear to rear wrapper also neatly repaired with japan paper; slight rippling throughout due to moisture exposure. Good.
Annual report containing addresses by the President and Director of the society, the secretary's report, articles of incorporation and by-laws, membership list, and sample cases of successful intervention by the society into instances of child abuse, neglect and cruelty. The opening remarks emphasize the educational neglect and potential for physical harm inherent in various forms of child labor, from factory work to begging to theatrical performances, as well as the fact that children who grow up in exploited or cruel circumstances may tend toward criminal acts like thievery, and wind up incarcerated as adults.
OCLC locates one holding for this year's report, at the Bancroft.