Sonntagsblatt des California Demokrat. 46 Jahrgang. No. 11. Sonntag Morgen, den 13 Marz 1898.
San Francisco: Cal. Demokrat Publishing Co., 1898. 21-1/2 x 17-1/4 inches. [8]pp. Tabloid format newspaper, printed in seven columns per page. Occasional b&w illustrations. Text in German. In fair condition only, with significant soiling and large, light stains, somewhat affecting readability; numerous small holes to first two leaves, most pinhole-sized or slightly bigger, a few as large as pea-sized, all sporadically affecting text; several short tears to edges and last leaf; old folds. Fair.
A scarce issue of this influential German-language daily, which ran from 1852-1918. The front page devotes considerable space to coverage of the looming Spanish-American War, which is here termed "unvermeidlich" (inevitable). The increasingly ominous preparations of the two countries since the sinking of the USS Maine are described at length, as well as England and various European countries beginning to choose sides. Also included in this issue is content about Japan's imperial ambitions in China (viewed here as in a positive light, given the potential for spreading Christianity to China), news about the Klondike Gold Rush, various events occuring on the Pacific Coast, and more, as well as advertisements in both English and German.
Not located in OCLC, although several institutions hold other issues of this paper and its earlier iteration, the California Chronik.