How to Make a College. A Dialogue: Paul Goodman | Alvin Duskin.
Duskin, Alvin.

How to Make a College. A Dialogue: Paul Goodman | Alvin Duskin.

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San Francisco: The San Francisco New School, 1965. 11" x 8-1/2". [2], 1-15, [2] pp printed recto only. White self-wrappers, bound with a single staple to upper corner. Light toning and soiling to covers, chip to margin of last leaf, light coffee stain to front cover and p. 1. Good.

Transcript of a 1963 interview recorded by WBAI, in New York City, with a 1965 forward and postscript by Duskin providing context and commentary. Duskin founded Emerson College in Pacific Grove in 1960, the free college that became the precursor to the San Francisco New School. Goodman, an anarchist philosopher and respected and vocal critic of the U.S. educational system, wrote in Utopian Essays and Practical Proposals (1962) that Emerson College was an academically weaker version of Black Mountain College, and the same year again reviewed the school negatively in The Community of Scholars. The interview was spurred by these criticisms, although it did little to resolve the two men's differences regarding the practical application of Goodman's ideas.

Emerson College moved to San Francisco and reopened as the New School in 1964, a loosely-defined radical college comprised of 100 or so students that met every Wednesday for. a year. In 1965, Duskin and many of the other founding administrators and instructors grew tired of the school and moved on to other projects, while the college, under new management, again rebranded itself by allying with SDS and the Student and Free Speech Movements.

Scarce. OCLC notes four holdings, all east of the Mississippi.

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