Clover Heights
[Real Estate / California].
Regular price $150.00
A Collection of Recipes Used in Stanford University Hospital.
[Cookery / Medicine]. Sloan, Lottie B. - Compiler.
Regular price $125.00
Sale No. 121 ... Public Auction. Osage Mineral Leases. 206 Oil Leases and 4 Gas Leases. Wednesday, October 15, 1958.
[Native American / Oil / Mining / Oklahoma].
Vacation Trip to Mexico City, D.F. September, 1940. [Holograph drop title].
[Mexico / Photography / Travel]. Walker, Al E., Jim Bruce and Gilbert E. Higbee - Subjects
Regular price $650.00
California the State that Saved Woodrow Wilson in 1919, invites the Democratic National Committee to hold The 1928 Convention in San Francisco.
[California / Politics].
Regular price $500.00
Francisca Reina
[Poetry / California]. Truesdell, Amelia Woodward - Author; Dixon, Maynard - Illustrator.
First Aid for Fighting Men.
[WWII / Medicine]. Keogh, Charles.
Regular price $75.00
The Visiting Nurse Association of New Britain. [Advertising Card].
[Nursing / Medicine].
Regular price $85.00
The Jaipur Foot Programme of Sri Lanke
[Medicine / Sri Lanka]. Ferdinand, Swarna - Compiler and Editor
Sonntagsblatt des California Demokrat. 46 Jahrgang. No. 11. Sonntag Morgen, den 13 Marz 1898.
[German-Americana / Spanish-American War / Klondike Gold Rush / California].
Regular price $225.00
Nafelcon. Official Organ of the National Fellowship Club. Numbers 1 to 24, Volumes I and II, extending from October, 1925, to September, 1927.
[Social Clubs / Washington, D. C.]. Monk, Jean - Editor.
Regular price $850.00
Collection of 28 Work Safety and Other Work-Related Posters
[Labor / WWII / Homefront]. Randall, Stan - Artist.
Regular price $1,500.00
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency. $250.00 Reward [for Edward J. Tierney].
[Crime / Texas].
She Is More to Be Pitied Than Censured.
[Music / Sex / Religion / Women]. Gray, Wm. B.
Regular price $65.00
Because I'm Married Now.
[Music / Theatre / Women]. Ingraham, Herbert.
Regular price $35.00