Ladies' Note Book and Calendar.
[Buffalo, N.Y.]: [World's Dispensary Medical Association], 1902. 14 cm. [18]pp. White self-wrappers printed in black, bound at the top edge. Light wear. Very Good.
Promotional piece for Ray Vaughn Pierce ("an outstanding period example of a man who combined scientific (or quasi-scientific) credentials, remarkable business acumen, an accurate sense of the public temper, and an unabashed capacity for self promotion," per Atwater 2798) and his consultation and manufacturing center, the World's Dispensary. Marketed toward women, the booklet primarily advertises "Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets" as a cure-all for everything from general weakness to constipation and the pain of childbirth. Additional plugs are included for Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, his People's Medical Advisor, and various salves and ointments. ATWATER S-1529.
OCLC locates 1 definite holding and 6 potential holdings, listed as serials only.