Manuel du Limonadier et du Confiseur
Paris: Roret, 1827. Fourth edition. 6 x 3-3/4 inches. [4, ads],iv,378pp. Original brown wrappers printed in black. Text in French. Edgeworn, with long splits to joints and small loss to corner of front wrapper; light foxing to wrappers and beginning and end leaves; three small worm holes to front wrapper and most leaves (although the three merge into one wormhole about halfway through), occasionally slightly affecting text; short tear to one leaf along gutter. Good.
Fourth edition of this confectioner's cookbook, first published in 1822, with instructions for preparing coffee, chocolate, punch, ice cream, liqueurs, fruit brandy, jams, pastries, beer, and much more. Full title: Manuel du Limonadier et du Confiseur; contenant les meilleurs procédes pour préparer le café, le chocolat, le punch, les glaces, les boissons rafraichissantes, liqueurs, fruits à l'eau-de-vie, confitures, pâtes, vins artificiels, pâtisseries légeres, bière, cidre, etc. Ouvrage utile, non seulement aux Limonadiers, Confiseurs et Distillateurs, mais encore aux Droguistes, Herboristes, Chefs-d'office, Economes, et indispensable à toutes les personnes qui se font un délassement de confectionner et d'améliorer toutes les douceurs agréables dans les usages de la vie. See BITTING p. 74 for the 1825 edition.
OCLC locates eight holdings of this edition, all in France.